Yumi’s Cells: The Movie.

유미의 세포들 더 무비

Created by the same studio which produced award-winning feature “Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs”, “Running Man – Revengers” and “Toemarok”

Based on the popular webtoon “Yumi’s Cells” (which accumulated over 3 billion total views) and hit TV series celebrated for its widespread fandom, Yumi’s Cells is back on the big screen!

In pursuit of her lifelong dream of becoming a writer, Yumi takes the bold step of quitting her job to focus on preparing for a novel contest. From the Schedule Cell meticulously planning her writing schedule to the Writer Cell tirelessly seeking inspiration and the Cheapskate Cell tightening the purse strings, every cell works diligently to support Yumi in her aspirations. Yet, as worries about the future begin to mount, Anxiety Cell looms larger, casting a shadow over Yumi’s determination. Even the Love Cell, once sweet and hopeful, turns bitter and skeptical as her relationship with Babi hits rough patches. With conflicts among the cells intensifying, the Cell Village finds itself confronting a crisis unlike any it has faced before…
GenresAnimation, Comedy
DirectorDa Hee Kim
CastYoon Ah-young, Beom Sik-Shin, Song Ha-Rim
Runtime93 mins
Theatrical Release3 Apr 2024
Available1 Oct 2024
TerritoriesWorldwide ex Korea