

Two-time Cesar Best Actor winner Gérard Depardieu on culinary quest

Following a near-death experience, France’s leading chef Gabriel Carvin throws himself into a quest seeking the flavour that has confounded his life since he was defeated by a Japanese chef’s bowl of noodles as a young man.
GenresDrama, Comedy
Director Slony Sow
CastGérard Depardieu, Kyozo Nagatsuka, Pierre Richard
LanguageFrench (Parisian)
Secondary LanguageJapanese
Runtime105 mins
Theatrical Release17 May 2023
Available1 Nov 2023
Festivals & Awards- Angers European First FF - Luxembourg City FF - La Ciotat Berceau du Cinéma - Festival de Brasilia do Cinema Brasilero - Toronto Food FF; Seminci - Kinomania FFF - Festival International du Film de Comédie de Liège - Oslo Films From the South Festival - Hong Kong FFF - Fribourg IFF - Yokohama IFF