The Paradise of Thorns


Engrossed THB 151M, ranking the 4th highest Thai blockbuster in 2024. It had hit the silver screens in Southeast Asia, Taiwan Australia and New Zealand
It stands out for its powerful storytelling, cultural representation, and its ability to address important social issues. 

‘Thongkam’ and ‘Sek’, a devoted gay couple, have worked tirelessly to build a life together, including owning a house and a durian orchard in Mae Hong Son. Tragedy strikes when Sek dies suddenly in an accident, revealing that they were never legally married in Thailand, leaving Thongkam with no rights to their assets. Thongkam must now fight to reclaim the fruits of his love and labor.
GenresDrama, Thriller
DirectorBoss Kuno
CastJeff Satur, Engfa Waraha, Srida Puapimol, Harit Buayoi, Pongsakorn Mettarikanon
SubtitlesEnglish, Traditional Chinese
Runtime131 mins
Theatrical Release24 Aug 2024
Available1 Jun 2025