The Last Passenger


This story unfolds in a small coastal town of Tohoku, Northeastern Japan, where a disastrous Tsunami wiped out the entire town and took thousands of people’s lives ten years ago. Now, Endo, a taxi driver, waits at a train station every night for his daughter, who has gone to college in Tokyo and has not contacted him since then. One night, his colleague tells him a rumor about a young ghost girl who stood on the side of a desolate coast road late at night, and asked to be taken to the Beach Town but vanished on the way. On the same night, Endo picks up a girl who asks him to go to the Beach Town, and it is the beginning of his journey to discover his darkest past…
DirectorTakashi Horie
CastKaren Iwata, Norimasa Fuke, Junko Nagao
Runtime55 mins
Theatrical Release11 Oct 2024
Available1 Mar 2025
TerritoriesWorldwide ex Japan