
Showcasing global sanctuaries and their efforts to rescue and rehabilitate animals, the series educates viewers on the urgent need for environmental stewardship and ethical wildlife practices.

Episode 1: **Sanctuary – Elephant Nature Park** Elephant Nature Park is the vision of one woman – Lek Chailert. She has devoted her life to campaigning for the rights and welfare of Thailand’s majestic national symbol, and this film captures the quite extraordinary bond she has developed with the rescued elephants Episode 2 – **Sanctuary – Return to Freedom** Today in America, wild horses are in peril, as they are rounded up by government agencies and placed in holding pens. Return to Freedom is here to help. Founder Neda De Mayo calls for safe fertility programs in the wild and for those already caged, removing them to natural environments such as their Return to Freedom sanctuaries across California. Episode 3 – **Sanctuary – Chimp Haven** Chimp Haven in Louisiana is the main national home for chimpanzees retired from Government research facilities. With six large forested areas, the animals are able to live their best chimp life.
DirectorMarshall Corwin, Peter von Puttkamer
Runtime3 episodes x 30 mins
Available1 Jun 2025