In the Life of Music

An intergenerational tale that explores love, war, and a family’s relationship to ‘Champa Battambang,’ made famous by Sinn Sisamouth, “The King of Cambodian Music”. Exploring three different decades, it depicts the lives of people whose world is inevitably transformed by the emergence of the Khmer Rouge Regime.
DirectorCaylee So, Visal Sok
CastEllen Wong, Arn Chorn-Pond, Sreynan Chea, Vandarith Phem
Secondary LanguageEnglish
Runtime92 mins
Available1 Jan 2022
Festivals & AwardsCambodia’s 2020 Oscars Submission Asian Pacific Screen Award Five Flavours Asian FF Taoyuan FF Asian World FF Asiatica Film Mediale FF Guwahati IFF Tokyo IFF Bakuon FF Cambodia IFF  CAAMFest37 TAORMINA FF Cambodia Town FF
TerritoriesWorldwide ex Bermuda, Canada, Greenland, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, United States