
Eligible for the 95th Academy® Awards in the BEST LIVE ACTION SHORT FILM category.

Unable to honestly verbalize his problems, Michael (Himesh Patel) is searching for a way out of his spiralling depression. Retreating further and further into his own shell, his girlfriend Katie (Maddy Hill) repeatedly implores him to adopt a more positive mindset to no avail. It’s not until his fractious relationship with a student, Archibald (Tom Sweet), comes to a head that he’s finally able to see a reason to hope. Enjoy is an offbeat exploration of masculinity, men’s mental health, and how societal stereotypes surrounding depression in men manifest themselves across different generations.
GenresTV Short
DirectorSaul Abaraham
CastHimesh Patel, Tom Sweet, Maddy Hill, Sara Stewart
Runtime19 mins
Available1 Apr 2024