Bunny Brothers

An animated series that follows rabbit siblings, Oskar, Adam and Mary, who live in an old castle next door to a small wonderland – full of ancient secrets and mischievous ghosts.

When Archie gifts the Bunnies each a mysterious gadget, they become hypnotised! Will they be able to snap out of the trance?

Magic doesn’t always attract friends – sometimes it summons a foe! But who is the foe that caused Oskar’s magic to go wrong?

**The Balloon**
When Adam tries to stop Archie and the thieving mice from stealing their hot air balloon, he ends up stranded in the air with them! Can they work together to land safely?

An animated series that follows rabbit siblings, Oskar, Adam and Mary, who live in an old castle next door to a small wonderland – full of ancient secrets and mischievous ghosts. **Gadgets** When Archie gifts the Bunnies each a mysterious gadget, they become hypnotised! Will they be able to snap out of the trance? **Friends** Magic doesn’t always attract friends – sometimes it summons a foe! But who is the foe that caused Oskar’s magic to go wrong? **The Balloon** When Adam tries to stop Archie and the thieving mice from stealing their hot air balloon, he ends up stranded in the air with them! Can they work together to land safely?
DirectorDiana Naive
CastKatherine Clavelo, Carly Danielson, Shawn Motes
Runtime3 episodes x 8 mins
Available1 Aug 2024