Op & Bob

An animated series about the life and adventures of two funny, abstract characters, Op and Bob. In each episode, they encounter a new concept and learn about the world around them. **E42: Liquid Thick** Op & Bob bake a cake and learn about the different consistencies of cake mix. **E43: Solid Liquid** Op & Bob see an ice sculpture and learn that when ice melts it turns from solid to liquid. **E44: Bad Guy** Op & Bob run into a robber and learn to be on the lookout for bad guys. **E45: Crosswalk** Op & Bob are running late but learn that no matter what, you must always use the crosswalk. **E46: Viruses** Op & Bob go to the doctor’s office and learn about the different viruses that can make you sick. **E47: Elevator** Op & Bob visit a very tall building and learn about taking the elevator.
DirectorMaksym Lukashov, Galina Yanushkevich- Kvstko
CastAlina Goncharenko
Runtime5 mins
Available1 Oct 2024